Friday, April 2, 2010

TO Learn Sign Language

Its pretty obvious what languages can do for you when you go
to some other country that speaks the same: You get a
big smile from the locals (if you look not like them) since they like the effort; and of course they occasionally make fun of your accent(though they try to hide it).

Related to the topic above hand -though not necessarily connected with my first paragraph which i felt was more really based on experience and not on..

ok im not making sense here.


What is Sign Language? For all those people who have lived in a bat cave. Sign Language, as according to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, which we all never should trust,

"is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyedsound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns (manual communication, body language and lip patterns) to convey meaning—simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to fluidly express a speaker's thoughts"

Basically what it means is that its a language using hand signals and gestures. -_-

So i got to ask this. With all the 3000 plus languages all over the world, is SIGN language considered an official language already?cmon i think it would be great really to see a country having SIGN language as an official language.

Imagine how quiet that would be. No more road rages('cept for the F* signs). No more school bells. No more ketchup. No more beautiful music.

I got to learn sign language.

Thinking of all this brings back to the age old question of

i love the internet.


  1. i vote for the hot deaf girl bec that way she can never nag you! oh wait maybe its better if the girl will never be able to see you...hmm blind na lang? haha jk lng!
